Get Your Affairs In Order

Alan Douglas
In the New Year thoughts will turn towards our New Year’s resolutions. Why not make a resolution this year to put your legal affairs in order? Making a Will and a Lasting Power of Attorney makes matters as easy as possible for your family to deal with if the worst happens.
Making a Will allows you to decide what will happen to your money, property, and other assets after your death. You are also able to appoint the executors who will deal with matters at that time.
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document by which you can appoint any you choose to deal with matters for you whilst you are still alive, but if you have become unable to deal with things for yourself. There are separate documents available for property and financial matters or for health and welfare decisions. No family member (not even a spouse) has any automatic right to deal with matters or make decisions for you unless you have made a Lasting Power of Attorney. This includes the giving or refusing of consent to proceed with life sustaining treatment.
At Nicholson Portnell our specialist Solicitors are available to discuss these matters with you and if you wish to discuss any of the points raised above, please contact Alan Douglas, Sara Frost, Rebecca Griffiths or Michelle Forster.